
1 month ago 246.15kB 15 downloads

The plugin automatically opens a menu when the bomb is planted, allowing the defuser to select a wire color. If the defuser picks the correct color (a 25% chance), the bomb is instantly defused. If the wrong wire is selected, the bomb explodes immediately. If the defuser does not select a color, the bomb is defused normally. The plugin uses a CenterMenu controlled with WASD and the SPACE key.

  No Access
3 months ago 494.64kB 57 downloads

The complete K4-Missions service package with all its features. To access this package, you must have an active K4-Missions license associated with your user account.

  No Access
3 months ago 0.97MB 106 downloads

The complete K4-Cases service package with all its features. To access this package, you must have an active K4-Cases license associated with your user account.

  No Access

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